The SA Boerperd is a true South African breed & its lineage can be traced back to 1652.
Revealing some misconceptions
Join Dr Robert (Rob) Davidson at the National Army Museum as he reveals some misconceptions about the Spioenkop Campaign.
Rob grew up in KwaZulu Natal and has spent the past 40 years visiting the sites of the battles of the Upper Tugela River, interviewing people and researching information for his book, The Spioenkop Campaign. He will be discussing this often-overlooked campaign to relieve the besieged town of Ladysmith during the early stages of the Boer War. In this eagerly anticipated talk, he will use eyewitness accounts and battlefield research to put Spion Kop into its proper context and address common misconceptions about the larger campaign.
18 August 2023, 12h00
National Army Museum, Chelsea, London
Entrance is FREE, but pre-booking essential.
You can also join online if you cannot make the physical event.
Click here for further information
Further Reading
Access road now has tarmac surface (apart from the last 5km) & a concrete sidewalk!
“I get most satisfaction from waking up and being an inspiration to many other young people who might think their background cannot be associated with success. My advice is don't be scared to start something different, don't wait to know how everything will take place for you to be convinced to start. Just begin and let other people see you doing it first, especially if it’s a little different.”
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